Portfolio - Wordpress theme development

WordPress Themes are files that work together to create the design and functionality of a WordPress site. Each Theme may be different, offering many choices for site owners to instantly change their website look.

Source Wordpress.org

The process I use for Wordpress theme development is to tailor the theme to exactly match the clients websites needs and to make it pixel perfect with the sites graphic design

Below are projects that come under the term Wordpress theme development

Crimson Fox Consulting

Launch date: 10/03/2021

Crimson Fox Consulting uses the successful Theme template and bespoke page builder developed by myself and The Flawless Agency. The site makes full use of the page builder options, delivering an easy site build experience for the client

ReBuild Consortium

Launch date: 04/02/2021

Site url: ReBuild Consortium

Rebuild Consortium uses the highly successful Theme template and bespoke page builder developed by myself and The Flawless Agency. The site also required and extensive database import and mapping from a fairly incompatible old CMS

Devil 1 Entertainment

Devil 1 Entertainment logo

Launch date: 22/01/2021

A Film and television security company using the easily customisable Theme template to produce a very simple site layout. The template was used as the pre purchased theme no longer worked with the latest version of Wordpress. The site construction using the bespoke page builder and took three hour to complete. Something of a record!

Devil 1 Entertainment logo

Brighton Festival Chorus

Launch date: 17/12/2020

Agency: Osomi

Custom develop Wordpress theme from a Osomi design. The site required a fine tuned custom page builder facility to accommodate all of the design requirements. Additional work required converting its old Access database to work within the Wordpress environment. The site also required a custom members area for member tailored information and notifications.

Lubricant Expo

Launch date: 03/12/2020

Site url: Lubricant Expo

Agency: Raw Marketing

The Lubricant Expo site is another templated-theme layout that is carried over from other Event Partners websites. The site uses the template from another Event Partners site I constructed, Advanced Material Show USA and adds to it for the required needs of the client.

Sensu – Main site – new build

Launch date: 02/12/2020

Site url: Sensu

This is the main site build, I have also worked on their micro sites

Sensu commissioned me to build their new Wordpress websites from a Huskii Studios design. The design required multiple page builder elements for easy page setup and a custom hand coded mega menu to facilitate the content heavy site. The site construction came in on time and within budget.

Inkfish Capital

Launch date: 04/11/2020

Site url: Inkfish Capital

This site has since been redeveloped

Inkfish Capital uses the highly successful Theme template developed by myself and The Flawless Agency. The adaptable theme uses a basic theme template that is easily extended to fill the site and client needs. The site also makes use of an updated bespoke page builder plugin allowing for extended functionality and layout options.

Distributed Energy Show

Launch date: 01/10/2020

Agency: Raw Marketing

The Distributed Energy Show site is another templated-theme layout that is carried over from other Event Partners websites. The site uses the template from another Event Partners site I constructed, Advanced Material Show USA and adds to it for the required needs of the client.

Hove Fitness and Squash

Launch date: 18/09/2020

Hove Fitness and Squash uses the same adaptable Theme template developed by myself and The Flawless Agency. The theme uses the same basic low budget theme as used on other low cost sites , but with an updated bespoke page builder plugin allowing for extended functionality and layout options.

Zona Spaces

Launch date: 02/09/2020

Site url: Zona Spaces

Zona Spaces was developed first using the new low cost Theme option developed by myself and The Flawless Agency, but launched later than other sites using the same template. The theme template has gone through a number of upgrades as the bespoke page builder plugin was being constantly developed and added upon. The site does include an E-Commerce facility that is dues to come online later this year.

Argylle Group PLC

Argylle Group PLC logo

Launch date: 27/07/2020

Site url: Argylle Group PLC

Argylle Group PLC uses a newly developed theming option developed by myself and The Flawless Agency that allows for low cost site development. The themes basic structure requires very little branding and the content is controlled by a bespoke page builder. This will allow future page builder updates as well as theme updates to easily be distributed across the sites that make use of this low budget site construction method.

Argylle Group PLC logo

Advanced Material Show USA

The Advanced Material Show USA logo

Launch date: 02/04/2020

Agency: Raw Marketing

The Advanced Material Show USA site is a constructed to a set theme layout that is carried over from other Event Partners websites. This was a fresh build in order to incorporate improved user interface options within the CMS. The site makes use of the Wordpress Rest API to receive date from another Event Partners site to display Board members, Sponsors and Supporters.

The Advanced Material Show USA logo

Elephant in the room

Launch date: 05/03/2020

Agency: Weareneo

Responsive Wordpress site build to run an Online Survey,  WPForms was used, along with WPForms Surveys and Polls to help organise the poll date.

Electric Cabaret Company

Launch date: 26/11/2019

Show business website using the Wordpress CMS with bespoke Page Builder option to allow for tailored content layouts. Additionally the site required option to display angle framed images, with the image angle being set from within the CMS.

Drunken Berries

Drunken Berries - Logo

Launch date: 25/10/2019

Agency: Huskii Studio

E-commerce Wordpress site using WooCommerce to sell alcohol mixers. The site was also used a promotional platform and so animation was incorporated to help enhance the user experience.

Drunken Berries - Logo

Adventure Yogi

Adventure Yogi - Logo

Launch date: 25/10/2019

Agency: Huskii Studio

Mobile responsive Yoga travel agency site that caters for virtual and real holidays / retreats. The site uses WooCommerce to handle and organise payments as well as other WooCommerce extensions to control, amongst other things, client Memberships.

Adventure Yogi - Logo

Flawless Agency

Flawless - Logo

Launch date: 19/09/2019

Wed design and print agency Wordpress site. Site build uses Bootstrap 4 to handle the mobile responsive requirements. I work closely with Flawless and we have cooperated on a large number of corporate projects together.

Flawless - Logo

Hugo Energy App

Hugo - Logo

Launch date: 12/07/2019

Agency: Huskii Studio

Single page website to help promote an Energy saving App. The site uses the Wordpress CMS for content editing and is built with Bootstrap 4 to allow for mobile responsiveness. It utilises CSS animation to help enhance the user experience to give the website more 'character.'

Hugo - Logo

Justyna Neryng photographic artist

Launch date: 26/06/2019

This site contains adult nudity

Photographic artist website. Design and built by me. The site helps promote her artwork and uses Javascript Fancybox to display her artwork in large formats. The template design and coding was also the starting point and inspiration for this website.

Brighton & Hove Athletics Club

Launch date: 24/05/2019

Brighton Athletic club website, using Wordpress for its CMS and blogging. Gravity forms was used for simple club kit ordering. Site news/blog posts were imported from Joomla. The site also uses Event Calendar for club event promotion.


Launch date: 04/04/2019

Site url: sulcoflex.com

Product promotional website or Rayner using Wordpress multisite. Site language variations include English, German and Spanish. Multisite ID's are used to differentiate the different languages. This site also uses animation to help enhance the user experience.

Aeon Eye Drops

Launch date: 28/02/2019

Site url: aeoneyedrops.com

Product promotional website or Rayner using Wordpress multisite. Site language variations include English and German. Multisite ID's are used to differentiate the different languages. This enables none CMS elements within the shared theme template to display the correct language.


Rayner - Logo

Launch date: 01/01/2019

Site url: rayner.com

Eye care global corporate website. Build on the Wordpress platform. Multiple page templates were developed as well as using ACF for the Page builder facility. The theme template was also used for the companies USA and Japanese sites. The site uses animation for product promotion as seen here.

Rayner - Logo

The Villa Agency

The Villa Agency - Logo

Launch date: 20/12/2018

European Villa rental website. Bootstrap 4 was used to handle the mobile responsiveness and Wordpress for the CMS and blogging. Bespoke Ecommerce and villa booking plugin was developed by W34u The site interacts with the bespoke plugin in numerous ways allowing for easy villa searching and booking.

The Villa Agency - Logo

Tim Clissold

Tim Clissold - Logo

Launch date: 06/12/2018

Site url: timclissold.net

Designer: Megan Sayers

Book promotional website that also cover Tim Clissold's public speaking and coach management services. Another interest design by Megan Sayers that was fun to construct. The sites required various templates types along with custom content areas for easy updating and changing.

Tim Clissold - Logo


Launch date: 01/11/2018

Site url: www.evelec.co.uk

Agency: Raw Marketing

Green energy company that installs electrical charge points for the home and cars. The site had various template requirements and so the a bespoke page builder was constructed with the use of the ACF plugin. This allow the client to easy add sections to the site, reorder them and of required delete them.

Healthwatch Croydon

Launch date: 04/07/2018

Croydon region site delivering Healthwatch services. The site makes extensive use of ACF and my Page Builder facility to allow for east construction of page elements.


Launch date: 12/06/2018

Site url: www.blos.co.uk

Designer: Megan Sayers

British Lingual Orthodontic Society membership website. This site uses Wordpress for its CMS and blogging as well as handling its memberships area. The site includes a 'Find a lingual orthodontist' facility to search for orthodontists within a postcode area in the United Kingdom.

Jane Sayers

Launch date: 06/02/2018

Site url: www.sayers.tv

Designer: Megan Sayers

Single page promotional/CV website using Wordpress for the CMS and Bootstrap 3 to handle mobile responsiveness. ACF was used to allow easy content adding including Vimeo video ID tag. The nice clean design by Megan Sayers allowed for simple construction.

Yurt Academy

Launch date: 11/12/2017

Adult learning website using Wordpress for its CMS and blogging. The site makes use of Event Calendar and Events Tickets to handle the class setup and ticketing. WooCommerce was used to handle the payment process. The site makes extensive use of ACF and one of the first instances of using my Page builder technique.

Shed Research

Launch date: 04/12/2017

Designer: Megan Sayers

A wonderful none standard design for a website that was a pleasure to develop. Its always nice to be challenged when developing websites that use angled and overlapping content sections. ACF was used to help layout and intuitive CMS interface that allows the site owner to easily update page sections.

Stampa Print & Design

Launch date: 12/11/2017

Site url: www.stampa.co.uk

I believe this site is now being redeveloped by another web developer

Local Brighton design and print company that needed complex responsive tables to display price lists and products. The site design was by Stampa and required a clean simple frontend display with minimal branding colours.

Designers 4 Designers

Designers 4 Designers - Logo

Launch date: 22/06/2017

Agency: Huskii Studio

Designers recruitment website that required particular attention to the detail. This was a pleasure for me to construct and the technical requirement need some research from me to achieve the site owners needs. The site makes us of Gravity Forms to allow for easy uploading of portfolio PDFs for later retrieval and review.

Designers 4 Designers - Logo

Zeal Networks

Launch date: 09/05/2017

This site has been changed since its development by other web developers

European gambling and lottery corporation websites. Site build required varied template options easily editable from within the Wordpress CMS. Early version of using a page builder facility was used along with multiple bespoke elements.

Hype Accelerator Solutions

Launch date: 09/05/2017

Designer: Megan Sayers

Single page Wordpress website requiring background looping video with text and Bootstrap carousel overlays. The site makes use of the Wordpress blogging facility as well as linking to LinkedIn for alternative blogging articles.

Pettswood Orthodontics

Launch date: 23/12/2016

Designer: Megan Sayers

Orthodontics website with a clean and beautiful design. ACF was used to help with the CMS content editing. When designing the Wordpress CMS editable content areas, it is always a good idea to try and make the editable areas as simple as possible as not all Wordpress Administrators are as tech-savvy as others.

Children’s Burns Trust

Launch date: 04/08/2016

Site url: www.cbtrust.org.uk

Agency: Raw Marketing

Children's charity website requiring particular template coding for its unique design. The coding needed  breakdown the template logically on mobile devices. The site also uses a print page to PDF facility that required extensive webpage element to A4 mapping.

Sash Windows London

Launch date: 21/01/2016

Agency: Raw Marketing

London based sash window company brochure and case study website. Wordpress CMS with Bootstrap 3 responsive framework. ACF was used to allow for easy template updates as well as Wordpress Custom Post Types for easy content separation and editing.

Renaissance Legal

Launch date: 30/10/2015

Agency: Raw Marketing

Brighton based legal website. The site has changed a few times since its initial development; Notably the home page that has gone through an entire redesign. The site was built using Bootstrap 3 and so the redesign coding needed to use the older version of Bootstrap to accomplish the updated design requirements.

Real Patisserie

Launch date: 26/10/2015

I no longer do development work for this website

When I came onboard to work with Real Patisserie, we embarked on a complete Wordpress site rebuild to allow for easy site content updating by the company as well as making the site mobile responsive. The mobile responsiveness was essential as the majority of online customers viewed the site on their phones and Tablets.

Mountains inc

Launch date: 20/03/2015

Sky chalet and resort booking site for a family run business in La Plagne, France. The site was designed by the one of the company owners, Andy Smedley. It was a pleasure bringing to life his designs and ideas and helping him visualise the design and how it would work on mobile devices. Bootstrap was the key ingredient in making this all possible. The site is still going strong today and is a testament to Andy's vision for the site.

Coatsal Homecare

Coastal Homecare

Launch date: 16/10/2014

This site has had additional coding done to it by another web developer.

Home-care website built just before the 'Mobile First' approach was adopted by the web industry. The site does have minimal mobile device break points, but this is only allows the site to view on mobile devices without any horizontal scrolling.

Coastal Homecare


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